
Mooc news


September 2017

Professors Have Taken Over the MOOCs | Technology and Learning

How open online learning is changing.

Peter Mellow’s insight:
Love the last line of this article: "This course just might, if you go into it with an open mind, change how you think about MOOCs."

Established education providers v new contenders

THE HYPE OVER MOOCs peaked in 2012. Salman Khan, an investment analyst who had begun teaching bite-sized lessons to his cousin in New Orleans over the internet and turned that activity into a wildly popular educational resource called the Khan Academy, was splashed on the cover of Forbes.

Why the MOOC just keeps marching on | Campus Morning Mail

Over the past six years the MOOC has whirled through the Gartner Hype Cycle – sparked into life by an innovation trigger (great idea!), travelled up the peak of inflated expectations (they’ll replace universities), down the trough of disillusionment (they’re not that good), ascended the slope of enlightenment (ah, we get it!), and is now bustling along the path of productivity.

Doing nicely, thank-you very much.

According to data collected by Class Central and reported in ed-tech resource platform EdSurge, last year 23 million people worldwide registered for a MOOC course for the first time ever, while the total number of students who signed up for at least one course was 58 million, up from some 35 million the previous year.

Taking Australian universities to the world

Australian universities are rethinking online teaching, including Deakin University which counts its virtual cloud campus as among its fastest growing cohorts.

Get Started With MOOC Design Patterns In Moodle, Courtesy Of Arab Open U

Arab Open University’s Doctor Ahmad Mikati is sharing with the Moodleverse his slides on the “Building an online Moodle course” program, which is catered to English speakers …

Learning How to Learn: Anatomy of a good MOOC

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) seem to be having a bad time in the press these days. Seen as the answer to scaling up education to some and evil

Digital Skills Gap: Vodafone, Siemens, Orange Embrace MOOCs And Online Learning

New report shows Europe’s biggest firms are investing huge sums to close the digital skills gap

Getting to Grips with MOOCs

Donald H Taylor’s recently updated blog on MOOCs inspired me to write about what we’re doing with MOOCs in the Diplomatic Academy.  Basically we’re hoping to support online learners by making MOOCs…

Trends and Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses: Review and Content Analysis of Research on MOOCs (2008-2015)

Trends and Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses: Review and Content Analysis of Research on MOOCs (2008-2015)

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